
it's electric!

these photographs amaze me. it has an almost electric feel.
the eye makeup seems super hero inspired.
on top of that the clothing is perfection.

(photographs via +)


  1. wow these pics are fabulous thanks for sharing xxxxx

  2. These photos are amazing!! you are right they are so crisp and electric!
    i really like your blog, glad i stunbled upon it, will def be back for more inspiration :)

    Margaux from BORO

  3. I love the hair flying all about.
    P.S. I don't know how to fix the picture outlines. I'm 75% certain it is part of the layout design though. I never had an outline with my current layout; I just don't think it's programmed in that one and it is programmed here. There probably still is a way to get rid of it, but I don't know how.


thanks for your kind words. if you leave a question here, i will try my best to reply via comment or email.


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